Basically, what the story is about is this guy who is hanging a figure that looks like an arab (he says it's not an arab but a "terrorist" for which we are all missing the subtelty in his caricture). He was hanging the figure from a tree but after a complaint was made, the cops told him to take it down. So he moved it into his front lawn where it will stay until we "finish the job in Iraq".

Now, some of you might be wondering why wouldn't he think people would find this offensive? To which the reply is:

"If you're offended that's okay. I'm offended at liberalism. I'm offended at people who want to kill the pope. I'm offended by people who burn effigies of the American flag and of George Bush."

And well, it goes on. Seriously, check it out. As crazy as the above sounds, it gets even crazier when he starts talking about American children having to learn Islam by force and girls being forced to wear burkas and so on and so forth. Then there's the guy who rides by yelling "hoo ra!" right in the middle of the interview. It's tremendous stuff.

SFist says go check it out.