All of this isn't going down with at least some measure of controversy. Police Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese complained that it took almost a year for the investigation to take place. After all, it's not exactly like the people who were involved were difficult to determine because they were all caught on tape. And the head of the union, Gary Delagnes, is once again saying it's all part of some overreach by the Mayor. Cohen and seventeen other officers have also sued the city for a whopping $20 million bucks for discrimination in suspending them when the videotapes first came to light. That's a lot of money, especially when you consider that money could go to a lot other things. Like hiring more police.
And speaking of which, the Blue Ribbon panel that was expected to look over the police department and investigate the culture that led to the videotapes? Still hasn't happened yet.
Picture from SFGate