The suspense is killing us -- in the District 6 election! This week's episode: Everybody Hates The Absentees.

Okay, time for a new District 6 post! We're going to try putting updates on the top of the post again, as news comes in.

--Update -- we're busy at work so no commentary, but here's the latest numbers from

CHRIS DALY . . . . . . . . . . 6,313 48.47
ROB BLACK . . . . . . . . . . 5,191 39.86
MATT DRAKE . . . . . . . . . . 487 3.74
VILIAM DUGOVIC. . . . . . . . . 269 2.07
DAVY JONES . . . . . . . . . . 268 2.06
MANUEL JIMENEZ, JR. . . . . . . . 234 1.80
GEORGE DIAS. . . . . . . . . . 173 1.33
ROBERT JORDAN . . . . . . . . . 89 .68
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 0

--Beyond Chron has an article up about the low-income housing perspective on the D6 race, and praises the Daly campaign's organized SRO outreach, which got 70% of their identified Daly supporters to the polls. Beyond Chron also confirms that the notorious 37%-31% Black over Daly poll was taken over the telephone (which underestimated Daly's non-phone-owning base). And.... extra bonus! Suzeeqzee: they also reveal what Robert Haaland was doing on his vacation!

--There's talk on the SFWall about a Daly recall.

--Fog City Journal and Sarah Daly's speech make it into the New York Times. They forgave her, because they noted she had two empty champagne glasses in hand at the time.

--Also, we're kind of curious what you guys think on these next questions. What do you guys think was Daly's best/worst move in this race? What do you think were Rob Black's? And what role do you think blogs and readers of blogs will have in future local elections? We've got our thoughts on these topics -- which we'll share after you guys share yours!

After the jump -- Gavin's betrayal of Rob, and Rob Black's letter to his supporters. We're trying not to take up too much space on the front page of the site!