We were invited to attend a party celebrating the ascension of the gang at Burritophile into the Rulers of All Media.

Indeed, after appearing on these esteemed pages, then being quoted extensively by the Chron's taqueria coverage article, Burritophile's Dan Johnson made it onto the television this weekend--on beloved local show Bay Area Backroads to be exact. The show was met with hoots and hollers from the crowded-in crowd, who thrilled as Dan told host Doug McConnell about some of his Bay Area Favorites: Cucos, Taqueria Los Charros, and more.

The viewing party was held Saturday at Dan's palatial Lower Haight apartment, which he shares with room mate Raphael. Co-Burritophile editors Cate Czerwinski and Aaron Best were there too, as were other "famous on SFist" dignitaries as Destination Dinners' Lisa Diamond.

While gourmet refreshments were served (home-made pizza, guacamole, margaritas), burritos were not on the menu. As Johnson said in his original invitation: "We're not so arrogant as to attempt to make our own burritos . . . " Guests, however, were encouraged to bring their own.

(Hey, if 7x7 can write this kind of stuff, we can too!)

Top photo provided by Dan Johnson's flickr account--feel free to check out the rest!

Jer's pics of the event after the jump!

Burritophiles' Cate Czerwinski, Aaron Best, and Dan Johnson