So, um. We really want to like North Beach. It's got its fancy European panache, a tribe of passport-holding Italians and you can get a real cup of espresso, but sadly there are some that come and sully the mistiness we harbor towards it. Seriously, what respectable lush likes to wait in line while eight simultaneous shots of Jagermeister are ordered and downed in front of you?

Still, the neighborhood is home to some of SF's oldest and coolest joints making it hard to pass up. Not to mention the 60s beat charm hangs tough when you're looking for a touch of solemnity. Call us old fashioned but drinking is serious business.

So if you like your whiskey on the rocks, your friends verbose and your establishment not superficial, perhaps you'll think about braving the tourist traffic of North Beach and heading to Specs', 12 Adler St at Columbus, for a little ole time religion.

SFist Nico, contributing.