If you're waiting with baited breath to see if we become an Olympic city, don't. The USOC will decide first whether to even put together a bid in the fall (they're not sure if they want to because, frankly, who wants the hassle?). Then they'll figure out which bid to go with sometime next spring. And the Olympic Committee won't even make the decision until 2009 and gosh, that's a long time from now. We want our instant gratification and we want it now!

As for the bid itself, Gavin gave some dint of his Olympic plans in an interview with the Chron in which he talked about leveraging all the new Olympic buildings that would have to be built and use it for other things, like housing or a new stadium for the Niners. This is pretty much par for the Olympic course, telling people all the joyous rewards they'll get if they say yes to the games.

Lest you think all of this is going to go smoothly without nary a peep from the Board of Supes, Gerardo Sandoval peeped. He wants a ballot measure saying that no bid for the Olympics should be allowed without long discussions, debate, and an eventual proposition that the city would have to vote on. Like most things in the city, we think it's a great idea to hold all of this to debate and to a vote, especialy something as huge as the Olympics. And like most things in the city, we shudder to think about what will happen if we hold all of this to debate and to a vote.

Eh, who cares. By 2009 when all of this will be official, SFist will have been bought out by SFGate by then and we'll be too busy blowing our severance packages on upside margaritas at Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo to care about any of this.