Submissions go to yvesdroppings - at - gmail - dot - com.

Cocktail waitress to guy at bar: "Hey, did you ever end up taking that pill you found?"
Guy at bar: "Um ... I don't remember."
-- From Ingrid/Gold Dust Lounge

Hag: "Are you going to do Bay to Breakers?"
Fag: "I don't think so. I don't like running."
Hag: "But you love drinking."
-- Mission & 24th

Cheerleader Bay-to-Breaker on cell phone: "Hey! ... Where are you? ... Oh that's ahead of me! How did you get ahead of me? ... Yeah, actually, I was unconscious for a while."
-- Somewhere in the Panhandle

Drunk dirty guy: "Hey...hey...all I know is, is when it comes down to the law, I touched her tit."
-- From Paul/On Haight

Man in "Phil Lesh and friends" shirt, on cell: "So yeah, the show last night was awesome. Well, except for the guy who dove head-first off the balcony."
-- From Rita