The trio of artists chosen to exhibit their work at this milestone show was a diverse group, featuring cast metal sculptor Brian Elliot, intaglio printmaker Kevin Evans and ceramicist Liz Orleans.

At first we didn’t see a logical connection between the works, but as we were walking through the gallery, wine in hand, we began to feel like we were on another planet. A planet populated by very rotund robotic women.
Brian Elliot’s series, “The Portlanders” is comprised of cast metal sculptures of women that sort of resemble a cross between the Michelin Man and Rosie, the robot maid from the Jetsons. Elliot’s inspiration for these strange, yet endearing figures happens to be children’s toys. While spending time observing people in his hometown of Portland, Elliot used their poses to create his sculptures by imposing this toy-like body shape on his subjects. While each piece looks mechanical and mass-produced, the all-too-human postures give them each an unmistakable individuality that forced us do a double-take each time we walked by. In fact, we could have sworn they actually moved a few times on their own, but then again we were finishing our third drink by that time and we’re not too reliable when we’re intoxicated.

SFist Shelley, contributing

Image: "Orderly" by Brian Elliot