Twenty five restaurant visits and over a year after we first began eating our way around San Francisco in alphabetical order on a bi-weekly basis, we have reached the end of the road. One of the most popular questions from friends who know what we have been up to has been "Where are you going to go for Zed?" For the longest time we weren't quite sure of the answer. Inspiration finally came from our last post when Jer commented "Holy crap! Almost time for ZED. I'm excited--it's like a season finale or something . . . or the Super Bowl . . ."

"S***," we thought to ourselves, "we better go somewhere we can be sure of a good celebration; we can't let this series die out with a whimper." This left us with only one failsafe option, a place where we absolutely knew we could have a good time, whatever happened, even if some of the food itself was having an off night. So, we invited all of our patient friends, who have wholeheartedly embraced our alphabetical dining restrictions over the past year, to join us late the other Saturday night for a little indulgence at the restaurant that represents the epitome of traditional California cuisine this side of the bridge.

This choice always comes with a heavy helping of controversy. Everyone in town seems to have a strong opinion on whether or not it is deserving of praise, so we are inviting readers of the A to Zed series to weigh in on it too and make this end-of-an era ultimate Zed post into one lively comment parteeee...