The Warriors are now dropping faster than Dumbya's approval ratings in the type of extended freefall we were hoping to avoid this year. To their credit, the slightly hard luck, slightly underachieving, slightly undercoached hometown hoopsters have tried to maintain their focus and determination, and have kept grinding along.

Baron's ankle injury has been a staggering blow. The team fought bravely without him though, going 3-5, and scoring strong wins against the Steamers and the Strippers, playoff locks both.

But things haven't improved since Baron rejoined the lineup last Friday against the Lakers. The team looks emotionally spent, and Baron's aura seems slightly, less. JRich is putting up huge numbers, but that's not a good thing. He's the canary in the Warriors' coal mine--when JRich goes big, it's because nobody else is doing anything. His increased stats belie serious team deficiencies.