It did. Unfortunately, while the concept was brilliant, the execution wasn't.

The problem wasn't in what was scheduled; it was in how long it took for what was scheduled to take place. Long fifteen minute or so breaks in between short bits just doesn't hold one's attention and the crowd was getting progressively antsy and bored the more the night wore on. Since the Castle was set up for the festival, it wasn't a typical bar night with typical bar night atmosphere and that left most of the people there with nothing really to do other than talk to each other and who wants that? If we wanted that, we could have gone to another bar. No, we wanted some mother f'ing cursing.

The night began with a symposium about cursing featuring SF literary fave Beth Lisick and a couple other guys (Dr. Jonathan Hunt and Andrew Orlowski) held up in the back room on the second floor. When we first got to the Festival we were into the idea of going to a symposium but we got up there late when it was entirely too crowded and too hard to hear. Then we realized that we came to a bar to drink and not to listen to people discuss academic things. So we went back down to our table to drink. From what we heard from a friend of SFist, the only thing we really missed was that the idea behind the festival made it so that cursing out loud and at speakers was the night's "Freebird." Remember what we said about how cursing could be bad when not done right?

Image from Ed's Rants