So we're out on our lunch break, with no umbrella, trying to cross Market Street. , we grumble to ourselves. We look up, and -- hey, wow! A parade of classic cars coming down the street!

So it turns out the fourth annual Classic Car Show is at Pier 45 this weekend, in conjunction with the Crab Festival. The cars had driven in a caravan from Pier 45 to City Hall, and were in the process of parading back to Pier 45, with His Gavin The Newsom leading the way. (We missed Gavin, unfortunately.)

We especially liked the "Repeal The 18th Amendment" bumper sticker one of the cars was sporting, after we remembered that the 18th Amendment was Prohibition and not giving women the vote.

We would have had an even better time watching the parade had 1) a frightening-looking SFPD officer wasn't angrily refusing to let people cross the street and lunging at people who tried to make a break for it (you never know, what if he was Officer John Haggett? We have no idea what that guy looks like! We don't want our arm broken!), and 2) if we had remembered to bring an umbrella out with us to lunch. It's chilly out.

Picture of the 2004 Classic Car Show from the Ferrari Club of America Pacific Region website. Trust us, you don't want to see the picture we tried to take of the parade with the world's worst cameraphone.

Why isn't anyone crossing?