Note that like both writers I quote, when looking back at the food landscape of 2005, we have you, the readers, on our minds. One writer acknowledges ignorance of and dismisses her readership --I would be loath to suggest an ideal meal, not knowing your taste-- while the other expresses some dialectic hurdles in the potential dialog with his readers--Readers... are, for the most part, as abstract to me as I am to them. Every now and then... a reader will offer a helpful tip ..., but for the most part there is just the whistle and whine of the heedless wind. You, SFist valued readers, on the contrary, have the opportunity to create a conversation in the comments below. With us, or between yourselves. We'll screw up, you'll set us straight, you're darn right. If we do it right, maybe you'll pat us on the back. And we'll try to follow up on the tips as much as we can [which means going to the Palace steak house, eventually, or trying the burger at Kubala's Kitchen].

So here are the 10 things we enjoyed or discovered this year, and please please shoot them down or add your own favs in comments.