Also on the agenda for the meeting: the Third Street Light Rail project is behind schedule and over budget. Suprise! Service will be start in fall of 2006 at the earliest -- what was their original estimated startup date, like, early 2003? Man, the trains aren't even running yet, and already they're late. And speaking of MUNI f**king everything up, they need an additional $320,000 to fix their overhead electrical wires. Not a moment too soon, either, as apparently large swaths of the electrical grid failed on Thursday, stranding a bunch of busses all along the Panhandle and Park with no power.

And speaking of transit, the SFCTA is seeking support for approval of a strategic analysis report. (We have no idea what that sentence means, either.) Apparently some analysts are interested in 16th street, specifically in making it more transit-friendly, with bike lanes, grade separations, and "market-based" parking management, which sounds like a euphamism for something evil that we can't quite discern. Anyway, all these topics (AND MORE!) are up for discussion tomorrow at the SF County Transportation Authority meeting, which you can get to via a wide range of convenient bus lines -- but eh, screw it, you know you're better off just walking there.