We admit it, we have a love/hate thing with Barry Bonds. On one hand, we have an inate love of all things Orange & Black. On the other hand, we have a nagging feeling that the guy is a major chemically enhanced putz. Which is what happens when he doesn't play-- you forget just what it is that makes you stop whatever you're doing to watch one of his at-bats. Now that he's back, we've got nothing but love. And yes, we're imbeciles.

Barry is once again in jaw dropping, awe inspring mode. After the three surgeries, after all the negative press, after not even really rehabbing, he's back and just killing the ball. Like he never missed a game. Four home runs in four games, putting him only eight away from the Babe. Tuesday night's game was particularly memorable in that it being his first game away from the cozy confines of Whatever It's Named Park and facing an entire stadium ready to boo, he launched a shot into the upper decks of RFK stadium on his first at bat. And with Barry swinging, the team is has now won five in a row and giving fans at least a sliver--a tiny, tiny sliver-- that the Giants can still somehow pull this out and make it to the playoffs were they can get promptly swatted around by the Cards or Braves. Or at least make everyone all excited about 2006 when Barry will be healthy, Winn will be there for a whole season, and a pitching staff anchored by Noah Lowry and Matt Cain will make up for the pain of this season.

Barry silences the fans in D.C. from SFGate