Gavin is set to announce his plans for Municipal Wifi today at 2pm. Rumors are a-swirlin' already as to who's going to be responsible for deploying it. Google has been making apparent moves to buy up backbone capacity across the country, and are apparently tres friendly with Feeva, the company that set up the public networks in Union Square and the Main Library. Considering The City is in the red, we're gonna wonder how all this is going to be paid for -- especially considering that Google's CEO seems to have privacy concerns about the company's main product, and Feeva's proprietary technology is based on pinpointing a users location.

But anyone trying to setup municipal networks is going to have to act fast, as congress is considering a defacto nationwide ban and there are plenty of industry groups dead set against it. But if The City's relationship with Comcast is any indication, granting a local monopoly in exchange for private infrastructure investment is problematic at best.

Update: Check back in 90 to 120 days for an RFI (that takes it to the next level!) with all the specifics seems to be what was said. Sorry, we're distracted -- Fiona Ma wants legislation demanding paperwork for the commercial display of corpses...

After the jump, we fight to keep from being mesmerized by how dreamy Gavin looks while he lays out his proposals. Watch along at home or the office, and feel free to chime in with the comments!