The resolution, natch is non-binding and merely puts the city on record as opposing military recruitment. Schools merely have a choice on whether or not to follow it but as federal funds are now tied to letting military recruiters in, we doubt many schools will give up the government teet.

You know, we love the fact that San Francisco always passes these kind of resolutions condemning something. In fact, we think we should do more. Like we'd be totally down for a resolution condemning remakes of perfectly fine movies from our childhood. Or that whole "All-Star Game determining home field advantage in the World Series" thing. And you know what else is totally condemnable? MTV cutting away from the Pink Floyd reunion at Live8 right in the middle of "Comfortably Numb" to go to one of their vacuous, lame-ass Veejays. There's not enough plans of hell for the people who made that decision. Can we vote on that?