Okay, there are three bloggers in town who at one point in their lives asked themselves, "Am I the only person who thinks Meredith Brody's restaurant reviews stink?" Well, thanks to the magic of the internets, we discovered that we were not, in fact, alone. Some say SFist Cedric's disdain for Meredith borders on the obsessive, but someone's listening, apparently.

Our other brother in Meredith snark is over at Rangelife. Now, there are two things in the world we just love -- snarking on M-Bro, natch, and data graphics (we've read everything by Tufte, we're nerds). But who knew that they were two great tastes that went great together? Following Cedric's example, Eric over at Rangelife put together a handy-pie chart (above) detailing exactly where in the city Ms. Brody prefers to dine. We wouldn't have found this nearly as funny as we did if we hadn't already made the joke that she seems to think the San Francisco city limits are Market and Van Ness.