Those of you who read SFist Watches have probably deduced that your Junkie's TV viewing habits consist solely of KRON 4 News at 11 and Animal Cops SF. (It's not true -- sometimes we watch Robot Chicken.) But we're making an exception tomorrow (Wednesday)! Instead of our usual 7:30 p.m. routine (viz, watching Wheel of Fortune over our usual dinner of Lucky Charms and Trader Joe beer), we're tuning in to see ..... none other than our beloved editor SFist Jackson MAKING HIS TELEVISION DEBUT!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeee-ha!

Jackson's this week's talking head on local politics TV show SF Unscripted on Comcast Channel 11, hosted by local Republican Arthur Bruzzone (he's the guy up left). He's talking about (what else?) blogging in local politics -- with unrepentant blogger and District 5 candidate Mr. h. brown. Check out Jackson sporting his cool pink shirt! Rrrowr!

What's the SFist staff doing while Jackson rockets to fame? Drinking game! Play along with us Wednesday at 7:30! (Jackson, h., and Art Bruzzone reair Thursday at 6:30, Friday at 8, and Saturday at 8:30).

Whenever Jackson.... You....
says "blogosphere" drink
vainly reaches for a cigarette drink