The fun begins Thursday night at 8 with the launch party at the Rickshaw stop, which includes a screening of . Right after the movie, bands The Formaldebrides, The Godz of Rock, and the Hellbillies will take the stage, with between-set spinning from DJs Bishop and Moonshine from Church of Elvis. All that for only 10 bucks!

The movies run from Friday, June 3 to Thursday June 9, with all of the films playing at the Roxie. On Wednesday, June 8 you can also see Evil Dead: Live as it's performed at the Victoria, just down the street.

SFist will festival reviews and news for you all this weekend and into next week, as we'll be at the festival every bloody step of the way. So, come out an join us at the Roxie this week and next, and keep your eye on SFist for the gruesome and gory scoop.

Image from Evil Aliens. Big thanks to friends of SFist Chris Wiggum of Larsen Associates and Bruce Fletcher, IndieFest Director of Programming. When the we go home to our dark empty apartment and the fear kicks in, we're calling you guys.

Vampire Circus