The NCAA tournament had us floating belly up in our betting pool. Our beloved UCLA Bruins lost in the first round to the biggest jerk in basketball, the infamous tamper tantrum prone chair throwing anger oozing Bobby Knight. For the L.A. haters around the bay, please do not waste any ill-spent karma here: we will be quick to reply that UCLA also produced he whose creaky back carries our local hoops hopes, Baron Golden State Messiah Davis.

So we had to pay off our March madness bets. At stake was dinner at Coriya Hot Pot City. We appreciate as much as anyone the refined, sophisticated, gastronomique aspect of les arts de la table, but we had to stick with the performance ethos of our sports bets, and Coriya is an all-you-can eat Korean bbq. Our fav Korean bbqs, Brother’s Korean bbq and Wooden Charcoal Barbecue House are both on Geary a few blocks away, and Coriya does not really compete with them: you won’t find the wide array of Korean pickles there, or won’t be able to order cooked dishes, like scallion pancakes, from the kitchen. But you will take the bbq smell home with you nevertheless, and Coriya will make the Dr. Atkins in you happy, what with all you can eat meat at a third of the price of Espetus Churrascaria.

SFist Cedric, contributing

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