So how did Sophie Maxwell's bill do? Well, due to an SFist power lunch, we weren't able to attend in person. We were able, however, to catch up via SFGTV -- scroll down to item 11. Basically, after debate between the supes over specifics, the bill was split into two versions -- one version, 11, was the bill as-written, and passed 9 to 2, with Elsbernd and Alioto-Pier voting no. The other version, which included four amendments by Alioto-Pier and one from Chris Daly (who had asked that the 'file be divided'), also passed 9 to 2, all votes falling the same way.

Of the five amendments, the two that passed were Alioto-Pier's request to strike 'internet' from the bill and Daly's request that it then be replaced to specifically exclude web logs, forums, opt-in email lists and postings on general web pages, and to specifically include banner and pop-up advertising and unsolicited emails. The three that failed included raising the spending limit to $5,000, exempting 501(c)3 non-profits, and deleting 'all membership communications' (presumably to relax constraints on intra-party communiques). Item 11a will be returned to the Ethics Committee, who will review again on Monday, and both bills will be presented to the full board the following tuesday for an up-or-down vote on second reading. Chris Nolan, reporting from the scene, explains that the maneuvering is meant to keep the bill on schedule to make sure that it goes into effect before November.