Over here at SFist's fortress of solitude (above Jerry's Tattoo and Java), we've just been informed that "Big" Dick Cheney is currently ensconced at the Mandarin Oriental downtown, and an entire block of Sansome has been shut down in order to protect him (and make your commute extra-fun!). Apparently he's making a west coast swing to lobby members of congress, including Representative Bill Thomas, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, to convince them that there really is a crisis with Social Security, and the safest place for hard working Americans to put their nest eggs is Wall Street, where hordes of selfless financiers will happily look out for your best interests instead of their own.

If there was ever a time when SFist wished we had someone's number over at the black bloc, now would be it. We need strike teams at the Pacific Union Club, Bohemian Grove and George Shultz's house armed with organic eggs and cream pies, stat!

Thanks to Niall K. for the info. Mystery-bulge photo pulled from the archives Wonkette.