Maybe Rice-a-Roni's not the San Francisco treat anymore either -- as part of the Great MUNI Cost Hike of Ought-Five, the city is proposing raising fares on the cable cars from $3 to $5. Five dollars! You could almost cross the Golden Gate Bridge on that! Tourists are unhappy with the proposal, but MUNI's basically like, eh, tourists -- how else they gonna get to Fisherman's Wharf?

Well, funny you should ask -- if they're here today, they're taking the 47 bus. The cable car operators today called an impromptu (and possibly illegal) strike over the allegedly improper firing of two employees (MUNI is reported to have accused the employees of stealing, the union claims that proper procedures were not followed.). The ding-ding bells were silent for about 2 1/2 hours, until Newsom called and begged the union to release the grip-claw brake. Our boy the Gav is now himself trolleying up and down between two separate offices as MUNI and the union try and work something out.