Earlimart may be the nicest band ever to come from Los Angeles. In addition to meeting up with SFist after their crack-of- dawn sound check (10:30 am for you non-rockers), both Aaron Espinoza (lead singer) and Ariana Murray (base and keyboards) willingly submitted to the narcissistic standard SFist questions all about our favorite topic: San Francisco! Even better, Earlimart actually taught us a few things about our fair city, winning our love forever. Earlimart was in town to headline the Saturday show at Bottom of the Hill for the 13th annual Noisepop Festival. This was the first time Earlimart headlined at Noisepop, but their third Noisepop experience, having opened for X (X?!!!) at Slim’s and the Decemberists at the Great American Music Hall.

SFist was having some trouble with our recording device so the following represents our slapdash attempts at shorthand.

Photo by Alyssa Scheinson