As everyone knows, gays and lesbians spend their free time seducing children with tales of cross-dressing necrophiles. But for the first time ever, they'll be taking a break from all that on Sunday, the 23rd, for a day-long series of seminars on gay marriage'n'stuff. It's free, it's local (near Civic Center), there'll be great speakers like the always-gregarious Mark Leno, they'll cover topics like building support for marriage and why anyone cares about marriage anyway, and best of all, refreshments will be served. We dare you to think of a reason not to attend, aside from day-long church services taking up all your time.
The event is being hosted by the amazingly productive Equality California - just look at their busy event calendar! Do these folks ever sleep? Which reminds us - just what's the local chapter of the Human Rights Campaign up to these days? Oh, look, according to their website, their only upcoming event is a monthly cocktail hour at slimey-trendy Lime. Huh. Do these folks We're starting to feel less guilty about not contributing to the HRC this year.