Oh, what the heck, let's go so-best one more time! Tongues are a-waggin' in town (and not just like that, you sick pervs) over the Gavin-x-Kim news and we're here to give you the latest gossip roundup.

P.J. Corkery of the Ex reports that at "one grandee's party" (to which we were not invited?), he noticed that Gav Diddy and Kims were never seen in the same room at the same time, and someone had said, "well, they're not throwing daggers at each other." And apparently if Big G. had lost the mayor's race, he was going to move to New York and start a restaurant there. So really, it's Matt Gonzalez's fault for not running a better campaign!

Channel 4 KRON ran some man-on-the-Chestnut-Street interviews in the Marina the other day, where people concluded that they would be seeing more of Gavin at MatrixFillmore, "a known singles bar." (This does not appear to be online, more's the pity). And we here at SFist are converging on the opinion that Gavin left Kim for Matt. But the best gossip so far is today's Bad Reporter -- who was so excited that he submitted a strip while on vacation -- hypothesizing that Gavin will be offering a "Care Not Cash" alimony package to Guilfoyle, and musing that "Gavin has a large rug to fill." He's also sponsoring a contest to have your face drawn in place of Kimberly's on the rug. We are so submitting a pic of SFist Jackson.

Any gossip we're missing? Pass it along!