Those of us wondering just what happened to one-time wunderkind and band leader Billy Corgan can wonder no more- Billy now fancies himself a poet. In fact, he’s gone all-Jewel on us and recently released a book of poems called “Blinking With Fists” (we’ll leave snarky comments about how nothing says pretentious rock star like a book of poetry to you, our readers). This Tuesday night, Billy appears at the Herbst Theater as part of the City Arts & Lectures Series for a poetry reading and a “conversation” with Stephen Elliott. “An Evening with Billy Corgan” is a fund-raiser for the 826 Valencia Scholarship fund.

And if this sounds like too much whining of long-time fans not quite able let the artist grow and mature, still wanting them to churn out “Shiva” after “Shiva” after “Shiva” and maybe an occasional “Hello Kitty Kat", well, it is. We are bad fans. Very bad fans. But considering Billy seems to like nothing more than to whine about fans and critics like us since the get-go, we’ll just consider it more fuel for his fire. Maybe he’ll write a poem about us.