While Dems accross the country swoon for the handsome Barack Obama and John Edwards, San Franciscans had a lot to be proud of - being the bluest town in the bluest state in the union. SFist thought that House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi [D-San Francisco] gave a great speech [RealPlayer, from C-Span], even if she did pull a few punches. And Da Mayor, Gavin Newsom, was fetted all week as a rising star in the party.

Still, we couldn't help but chuckle when we saw an item in the WaPo's Reliable Source linked to from Wonkette - seems Kimberly Guilfoyle-Newsom used every demi-celebrity's favorite whine-line, "Don't you know who I am?" while trying to get past the VIP lounge bouncer at the Creative Coalition party Thursday night.

We're sure that the tens of hundreds of people who watch her show on Court TV would have recognized her immediately - guess the bouncer doesn't have cable or an avid interest in legal proceedings. While we're trying desperately hard not to make any jokes about Gavin and Kimberly's "bi-coastal" relationship, Gavin's co-Grand Marshall at the recent Pride Day Parade, Alan Cumming, made it past the bouncer with no problems.