SF News SF’s Former Biggest Landlord Veritas, Now Defaulting to the Tune of $1 Billion, Selling 762 More SF Apartments The local downfall of SF’s one-time biggest residential landlord Veritas Investments continues unabated, as they’re selling off more San Francisco properties, this time 23 buildings with 762 rent-controlled apartments.
Business & Tech Veritas Investments May Have Found a Buyer for Its Defaulted Loan Portfolio, and It’s an Ex-Westfield Mall Owner A new buyer has emerged for the nearly $1 billion in defaulted properties for the city’s biggest residential landlord Veritas Investments, and its Brookfield Properties, a partner that just walked away from the Westfield Centre shopping mall.
SF News Mega-Landlord Veritas Investments In Default on Loans, Could Lose a Third of Its Buildings SF’s biggest residential landlord Veritas Investments has $1 billion in delinquent loans that the company is trying to sell off, and could lose about a third of its properties across town.
SF News Veritas Tenants End Rent Strike After Winning Significant Concessions on Back Debt San Francisco’s biggest landlord Veritas Investments hoped to leave tenants on the hook for rent not covered by federal relief, but a tenants' group changed that with a five-month rent strike that ended Thursday.
SF News SF’s Biggest Landlord Insists It Won’t Delay Selling Its 67 Rent-Controlled Buildings Corporate mega-landlord Veritas Investments is performing a massive sell-off of mostly rent-controlled residential properties in San Francisco, drawing the ire of a few SF supervisors and a housing nonprofit.