Business & Tech Shocker: California Leads the Nation in Cryptocurrency Fraud, According to FBI More than 20% of all cryptocurrency fraud happened right here in California last year, and the FBI San Francisco Field Office was kept busy, dealing with a staggering $260 million in crypto scams in 2023 alone.
SF News Santa Clara County DA Is Looking For This Convicted Con Artist Who Skipped Out on Prison Sentencing A scamster who likes to bilk investors with phony tech invention schemes may be out there conning someone new, after he was a no-show at a sentencing hearing last month in Santa Clara County.
SF News San Rafael Couple Nearly Scammed Out of $15,000 by AI Fake of Their Son’s Voice We are in era where AI can recreate someone’s voice, and scammers are taking notice, with one San Rafael couple almost paying $15,000 to con artists who’d accurately mimicked their son’s voice in a panicked phone call.
SF News Google Barely Pays Any Taxes Like Apple and Twitter, Google skirts the U.S. government's higher business taxes by funneling revenues through subsidiaries in Ireland and other tax havens. And we mean almost all its revenue. This may