SF News Santa Cruz Lady Flips Out Over SmartMeter, Disconnects It, PG&E Cuts Off Her Power Even if you're not a Marin homeowner yourself, you've likely heard tell about the battles being waged in communities around the Bay Area over PG&E's SmartMeters electronic power meters which transmit
SF News Radiation-Free PG&E Service Will Cost You Twenty Bucks a Month With so many folks out there suddenly concerned about the potential dangers of radio frequency radiation, the California Public Utilities Comission asked the power company to propose some radiation-free alternatives to the wireless
SF News In the Richmond, Neighbors Politely Decline Their PG&E SmartMeters Previously we saw how controversy over accuracy and health concerns surrounding PG&E's new SmartMeters flared up in the North Bay and then fizzled a bit in the Marina, but the latest
SF News Eight People in the Marina Don't Want SmartMeters Either After PG&E's new wireless-equipped SmartMeters became the target of protests from both the freedom-loving far right in the North Bay and the don't-harsh-on-my-brainwaves far left from West Marin, we thought there