SF News Tenderloin Residents and Businesses Pushing Back Against Proposed Turk Street Homeless Shelter A proposal to turn three vacant storefronts at Turk and Hyde streets into a homeless services center has some Tenderloin residents and businesses fuming, and saying that the Tenderloin is bearing the burden of too many of these facilities.
SF News State Audit Blasts California for Spending $24 Billion on Homelessness, But Not Tracking Whether Much of It Works A new report from the California State Auditor finds the state has spent $24 billion on homelessness since 2018, only to see things get worse, and dings the state for not keeping track of whether much of this money is even accomplishing anything.
SF Politics Mayor Breed Takes to Medium to Swipe at Supervisors, Media Coverage of Homeless Hotel Program The mayor’s Medium post vaguely decries “what some people have been saying” and “a number of inaccurate statements” after the Board of Supervisors' unanimous vote to extend the shelter-in-place hotel program.
SF News City's Homelessness Department And Public Works Are Officially At Odds Over Encampments A quiet war seems to be brewing within City Hall over the handling of homeless encampments, marking yet another chapter in a multi-year saga involving police, sanitation workers, homeless advocates, outreach workers, politicians,
SF News SF's Homeless Census Is Literally, At Times, A Drive-By Operation Last Thursday night, January 26, from the passenger seat of a friend's Prius, I examined a paper map of Russian Hill and Fisherman's Wharf, giving sometimes confusing and wrong directions to her while
SF News First Homeless Navigation Center Abandons Permanent Housing Placement Promise The city's first Navigation Center for the homeless, launched in 2015 in the Mission District, is shifting its mandate amid the harsh realities of the homelessness crisis. Originally designed to house its clients
SF News Homeless Man Does Video Diary; Another Homeless Man Found Dead In Mission Driveway Police find homeless man dead in Mission driveway Thursday morning after receiving a call for service: https://t.co/y12o2snBK8 pic.twitter.com/DHGIrOBKtF— Mission Local (@MLNow) December 23, 2016 The holidays should
SF News At Mission Meeting, SF Homeless Czar Declares 'We Have Completed Our Work Here And I Realize It May Not Look Like That' A meeting of neighbors in the Mission District joined by city leaders such as incoming supervisor Hillary Ronen, who replaces David Campos, and Jeff Kositsky, director of the new Department of Homelessness and