SF News A Possible Way To Help Bay Area Forests Recover After Wildfires? Introduce Mushrooms Forest fires play a crucial role in natural life cycles — it's just that human activity is exacerbating that rhythm. In order to give Mother Nature a leg up after the flames cease, Santa Cruz researchers are using oyster mushrooms to help break down the ash from previous wildfires.
SF News SFO Will Ban Bottled Water In Less Than Three Weeks Effective August 20, airport shops will no longer sell single-use plastic water bottles, and thirsty flyers will need refillable aluminum or glass bottles.
SF News Protest Pics: Bank of America Coal Rally Thingy While not nearly as exciting as Anonymous' cheeky Scientology protests, this little BofA rally managed to voice its distress with the banking company's lack of environmental consciousness. It seems BofA is, like, using