Business & Tech Ex-Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt Starts New ‘Bot Company,’ Gets Handed $150 Million Despite Having No Products Proving again that tech executives can always fail upwards, the CEO that ran self-driving car company Cruise into a ditch, Kyle Vogt, has just been handed $150 million for his new venture called the Bot Company that claims it will eventually develop robots to do household chores.
SF News An Alleged MySpace 'Resurgence' Was Fueled Mostly By Ad Fraud The running tech industry joke that is the continued existence of early stage social networking site MySpace just turned into even more of a joke. Once valued at $12 billion, the forgotten MySpace
SF News Mueller Forces Facebook To Cough Up More Details On Russian Meddling President Donald Trump will be none too pleased that the “single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history” just got greater. In the wake of last week’s revelation that Facebook