SF News Aquarium of the Bay’s Ex-CEO Goes Nuclear With Lawsuit Full of Wild Allegations Over His Ouster The former CEO of Bay.org George Jacob resigned in May amidst reports of lavish spending, but he’s hitting back with a ferocious new lawsuit claiming staff tried to secretly sell shark blood to Disney, and wanted to release all the animals back into the ocean.
SF News Attention Crab Fisherman: Aquarium of the Bay Will Pay You For Your Giant Octopus Aquarium of the Bay has added a new creature to its near-shore tunnel exhibit: a Giant Pacific Octopus, and like so many captive animals in the Bay Area - it's a rescue. The
misc Aquarium Gets a Guitarfish The Aquarium of the Bay, that little Aquarium over by Pier 39, just got a new tenant: an almost-five-foot-long shovelnose guitarfish. It looks like an 80s hair-band bass, we suppose, like a Gibson