A 31-year-old Napa woman was allegedly under the influence and speeding when she crashed her car into a tree Sunday morning, killing her own ten-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter.
If you need any more warning to absolutely not drive while intoxicated on this St. Patrick’s Day, consider the lives lost and ruined in a suspected DUI crash in Napa Sunday morning, where the crash killed a ten-year-old boy and nine-year-old girl. Moreover, those victims were the children of the alleged drunken driver, who were riding in the vehicle with her.
KGO has video from the scene in the aftermath of the one-car crash. And according to KTVU, the 31-year-old driver Yesica Barajas was “arrested for driving under the influence of substances.” California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers also “said they believe alcohol, speed, and drugs are all suspected factors in the crash,” in KTVU’s words.
And mind you, this was before 7:20 am on a Sunday morning.
That’s when another driver reported the crash to CHP. Barajas’s 2006 Nissan sedan was allegedly speeding on Highway 29 when she took an offramp to West Imola Avenue. The car veered off the road and smashed into a tree.
Both of the children were pronounced dead at the scene. The mother Barajas was hospitalized at Napa’s Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center, though she’s also been arrested on DUI charges, and she’ll be booked into Napa County Jail once she’s cleared to be released from the hospital.
The names of the two children will not be released until the family has been fully notified.
Related: 31-Year-Old Single Mother Killed by Suspected Five-Time DUI Driver In Santa Rosa [SFist]
Image: CHP - Napa via Facebook