Amid widespread talk of Governor Gavin Newsom being a potential replacement candidate should President Biden decide not to run again in November, Newsom and a group of Democratic governors are headed to D.C. for a Wednesday evening sit-down with the President.

It's high drama time at the White House today, as Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was fielding a barrage of questions from reporters about President Biden's physical health, and whether he is seriously weighing the possibility — as a New York Times report suggests — of not running for reelection. Biden reportedly told a close ally that he was considering stepping out of the race, but the official White House channels are denying this.

Among the questions Jean-Pierre was having to sidestep in the press briefing was "Does the President need to take a nap every afternoon?"

Meanwhile, Biden reportedly gave a forceful statement on an all-hands call with campaign staffers today, saying, "I’m in this race to the end."

According to the Times, after the governors gather at the White House today, Newsom will be campaigning for Biden in Michigan over the Fourth of July holiday, and he's reportedly traveling to New Hampshire and Pennsylvania as well.

Is this some kind of shadow campaign? It's hard not to wonder what is taking place in furtive phone calls and behind closed doors right now. As the Guardian reported Tuesday, many in the Democratic Party see Newsom as a highly effective surrogate for Biden, delivering essentially the same policy messages, but better.

And, as New York Magazine noted this week, political betting markets online have taken a shine to Newsom, and he now has one-in-four odds of becoming the presidential nominee, according to them.

The 6:30 pm (ET) meeting of governors at the White House appears to have been thrown together somewhat last minute, and Newsom only confirmed his travel plans early today. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whose name has also been tossed around for a potential presidential run at some point, is also headed to the White House.

Newsom's statement about the trip said that he was going to Washington to "stand with" the president.

Related: After Biden’s Debate Train Wreck, Both Newsom and Harris Insist They’re Not Replacing Him

Top image: California Gov. Gavin Newsom (R) looks on as U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks to reporters after doing a helicopter tour of the Caldor Fire, at Mather Airport on September 13, 2021 in Mather, California. Biden toured the wildfire-damaged area near Sacramento with Newsom before heading to Los Angeles to participate in a No on Recall campaign event. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)