Levi Strauss family heir money and venture capitalists’ bucks are flying into the campaign accounts for SF mayoral candidate Daniel Lurie, but he’s burning through it too, and has spent $1.2 million with Election Day still five months out.

It’s no secret that the Daniel Lurie for Mayor campaign has more money to throw around than any of the other SF mayoral campaigns, and perhaps more so than all of them combined. His associated political action committee (PAC) got a $1 million donation from his mom, fellow Levi Strauss hei Miriam “Mimi” Haas, and another $101,000 from his brother Ari Lurie, in addition to three donations of more than $250,000 apiece from a few founder types and investors.

That PAC is separate from Lurie’s official campaign. But Lurie’s official campaign is spending like mad too, as the Examiner reports that Lurie’s campaign has spent more than $1 million thus far, with the election still close to five months away. According to the latest campaign finance filings, Lurie’s campaign has spent $1.2 million as of June 17, though that filing does not disclose what he spent it on, or whether it’s all just Lurie’s own money that his campaign spent.

“Daniel is the only candidate that hasn’t been running for office for a decade or longer,” Lurie campaign spokesperson Max Szabo told the Examiner. “It takes a lot of time and resources to ensure voters know about his history of holding organizations accountable, building affordable housing, getting more than 38,000 people off the streets, and bringing global sporting events to the region that generated hundreds of millions in economic revenue.”

Lurie’s campaign submitted the filing to state that they are not accepting matching public financing, which all four other mayoral campaigns are likely to accept. Those matching funds can come with as much as $6 of matching funds for every $1 raised, though also come with a $1.7 million spending limit. Luie clearly expects to exceed $1.7 million in spending for his campaign.

Though Lurie’s campaign spending of currently $1.2 million is nothing compared to what his PAC will spend. The PAC in his name raised $3.3 million in 2023, and has not submitted any filings yet for 2024.

Related: Mayoral Candidate Daniel Lurie Raising Eye-Popping Sums of Money From VCs and His Family [SFist]

Image: Daniel Lurie Campaign