An alarmingly large wild hare (or rabbit?) was rescued by CHP officers Sunday night on Highway 17, likely from a terrible fate on that busy roadway.

CHP-Santa Cruz reported on Facebook that some construction workers on Highway 17 spotted the giant hare hopping around near the road, and called in CHP officers for help.

"Our officers gave Bugs a cozy ride to Pacific and Santa Cruz Veterinary Specialists, where he's now receiving the care he needs," the CHP says in a post.

They add "A big shoutout to the vigilant workers who spotted Bugs and took quick action to ensure his safety. Your kindness and prompt response made all the difference!"

This guy Bugs appears to be a hare and not a rabbit, as the CHP is calling him — hares are generally larger like this. But I'm no expert.

... And there was no Roadrunner in the vicinity.