You may have heard by now that, in the last hour, an American president was for the first time convicted of a felony in criminal court. 34 felonies, actually.

What this means for the country, and for Trump's candidacy for another term as president, remains to be seen, though it's guaranteed that he will do everything in his bloviating, rhetorical power to spin this to his advantage and tell his less educated voters that Biden did this. (In comments outside the courtroom, he has already done this.)

This may be our last chance to see Trump in court before the November election, due to the painful slowness of the American justice system and the many advantages conferred on people of wealth. And that is too bad because paying hush money to a porn star is, admittedly, small potatoes compared to subverting democracy and inciting a riot in the nation's capital for one's own ego, and political vengeance.

Anyway, non-Trump fans on Xitter have been pretty savage, and the reaction gifs, etc., are like a reminder of simpler times when Twitter was fun.