Here we go again with luxury cruises being vessels for illnesses, as a cruise ship suffering an outbreak of unexplained gastrointestinal illness has now docked itself in San Francisco.

It’s never good for cruise ships when cruise ships are in the news. You’ll recall the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, where some passengers brought COVID back to the mainland before we understood the scope of the coming pandemic, and even in these less-infected times, they sometimes leave passengers stranded in drafty cruise terminals. The latest cruise ship nightmare started last week, when NBC News reported that 139 people were suffering from an unexplained gastrointestinal illness on a Cunard cruise ship called the Queen Victoria.

And guess where that ship is now! KRON4 reports that the Queen Victoria is now docked in San Francisco. According to the latest CDC numbers, which are three days newer than the NBC News report, the mystery illness has now affected 128 passengers and 25 crew members, for a total of 153 people sickened. So about 5.4% of the overall 2,791 people onboard are suffering (or have suffered from) the illness on the ship's current trip.

The CDC describes the predominant symptoms of the illness as “diarrhea, vomiting,” and adds the cause of the illness is “unknown.”

According to The Hill, the ship came here after departing Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 22. KRON4 adds that it is expected to continue its journey to Honolulu, Hawaii, arriving there this Monday, February 12.

We don’t know at which pier the ship is, though it’s seen in the photo above posted Wednesday morning. Though KRON4 reports that “A source told KRON4 that the Queen Victoria is slated to depart from San Francisco on Wednesday night.”

Related: Cruise Passengers Stuck at SF Terminal For Hours Without Food Due to Departure Delay [SFist]

Image: kees torn via Wikimedia Commons