Three members of the Oakland-based dance troupe Bandaloop did a performance at noon Monday, rappelling and dancing down one side of the Transamerica Pyramid.

The performance was being covered by all the local news stations, and it prompted the SFPD to put out an alert on Twitter/X that these rappellers were "part of a PERMITTED PERFORMANCE," adding, "Don't be alarmed. Enjoy the show!"

ABC 7's Dan Noyes said he spoke with the operations manager of Bandaloop who confirmed that this was their people, and "said they had permission from the city and that it was a performance, not a rehearsal."

Bandaloop had not yet acknowledged the performance on their Instagram page as of this writing, however the group put out a statement this morning saying that they, as a company, wanted to create a "Culture of Safety," and that they were calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Says Noyes on Twitter, "I asked if this was connected to their Gaza statement they put out this morning. She responded, 'I can't say that but would appreciate you uplifting that in your reporting.'"

Bandaloop recently did a series of aerial performances atop St. Paul's Cathedral in London, and they regularly perform around the globe.

ABC7's Sky7 helicopter had perhaps the best shots of today's performance:

Photo: TransamericaBldg/Twitter