After a very dry January and a crazily dry February, chances of rain coming to the Bay Area remain slim going into the last week of the month.

ABC 7 is predicting chilly temperatures and "showers" on Tuesday, which would mark the first rain we've had all month. But whether San Francisco sees any of that is still up in the air.

The National Weather Service puts SF's chances at 11% on Tuesday, while the Big Sur area has a 94% chance of getting actual precipitation.

"Small chance for very light rain on Tuesday followed by mid week cold," says the weather service on Twitter. "Freezing temps are possible for some areas. Are you ready for colder temperatures?"

The coldest overnight lows will be up in the North Bay valleys and just to the south of Livermore, the NWS predicts. And those lows could dip below freezing, into the 20s or low 30s.

The little bit of rain, if it comes, on Tuesday, would be welcome, given that the Chronicle was just suggesting that we could finish out February with zero rain — and even still, with no rain since early January, this La Nina winter is proving dry and warm indeed.

That deluge of rain in the fall and into December, though, set us up fairly well. And despite nearly two months of nary a drop of rain, the rainfall total for downtown San Francisco stands at 119% of normal for this point in the season, and we're at 74% of normal for the entire rain year — meaning we only need to make up 26% by July 1 to hit normal for the year.

We need more late rain, though, to set us up for less of a terribly fire season — if that's even possible. Can we have a year like, say, 2016 where we aren't just inundated with horrible fire news and horrible air quality for months? One can only dream.