A man was shot and killed Monday night near one end of an alley near Civic Center, one of several alleys along the Van Ness corridor that have been the sites of violent crime in recent months.

The shooting happened around 10 p.m. in the vicinity of Franklin and Willow streets, as Bay City News. The victim, who has not been identified, was a man believed to be around 60 years old. There is little other information at this point, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Willow Street is an alley that runs between Larkin and Franklin, between Eddy and Ellis streets, and in December 2019 it was the subject of a Chronicle piece about homeless encampment sweeps that were occurring at a time when the city did not have shelter beds to offer people who were being moved along.

The shooting on Monday happened just six blocks down from a violent stabbing two weeks ago at a corner store, which badly injured the owner of the store. That incident happened at the corner of Franklin and Austin streets.

One of these alleys, Fern Street, was also the site of a fatal shooting on May 8 that took the life of a 25-year-old man. The victim's family said that he had just left Mayes Oyster Bar at Polk and Fern streets when the shooting occurred.

Monday's shooting appears to be the 18th homicide in San Francisco so far in 2021.