The home of a black woman in a traditionally black neighborhood in Oakland as well at the vehicles belonging to a black family in Alameda were both targeted with "All Lives Matter" graffiti over the weekend in two apparently separate incidents.

In another instance of racism that has no place anywhere let alone in the diverse and largely liberal communities of the East Bay, a home in the Melrose neighborhood of Oakland was spray-painted with "All Lives Matter" as well as with what appears to be a cartoon chicken head sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning. The home belongs to 52-year-old Tacelia Senegal, as the Chronicle reports, who grew up there.

Senegal spoke to the paper from out of town after she was alerted to the vandalism by a neighbor, calling it "disheartening."

"I don’t have any enemies. There’s nobody that I know that would do this. ... We’re all just kind of dumbfounded," Senegal tells the Chronicle.

Neighbor Elizabeth Galicia tweeted, "Residents have lived here 40 years, Black family. This is two blocks from the house where 'Sorry to Bother You' was filmed."

Senegal's neighbors rallied on Sunday to chalk "Black Lives Matter" on the street outside the home.

Also over the weekend, two cars belonging to a black family in Alameda were spray-painted with "ALM," for "All Lives Matter."

Again, the residents are baffled as to why they were targeted, and neighbors rallied to show their support, and show their rejection of such intolerance, as KTVU reports.

Neighbors helped clean the paint off of the cars over the weekend, and chalked "You Belong Here" on the street outside the home.

Racists keep coming out of the woodwork to make sure they're heard during this election year in which Trump will once again make racist remarks that are only thinly veiled.

Today he retweeted a video showing a white St. Louis couple aiming firearms at peaceful protesters outside their mansion. And on Sunday he retweeted a video in which a Trump supporter was clearly screaming "White Power!" — because they're all such good people. In a rare instance of admitting an error, Trump deleted the tweet within a few hours, allegedly after the white supremacist message was pointed out to him.

This is America.