A person with a gun was reported Monday morning at Salesforce Park atop the Transbay/Salesforce Transit Center, though the report remains unconfirmed despite police responding to the scene.

Citizens are, naturally, on high alert for potential gun violence following the weekend's tragic events in El Paso and Dayton, and last week's shooting in Gilroy. And an unconfirmed sighting of an individual with a gun in Salesforce Park came in to the SFPD at 11:14 a.m., according to the Citizen App.

Police reportedly responded, and at 11:23 a.m. officers said they were unable to find any suspect in the area.

We await any further updates about whether police continue to search for a suspect or seek out any other witnesses, but clearly no one was directly threatened or injured.

As of about 1:45 p.m., things were looking fairly calm. Although this person below seems to believe Salesforce had something to do with the creation of the park, which it did not. That would be architect Cesar Pelli (R.I.P.) and the Transbay Joint Powers Authority. Salesforce just wrote a check for naming rights.

The park reopened on July 1, and full Muni use of the building and bus decks resumes this Sunday.