Social networks Facebook and Instagram suffered an outage Wednesday morning, but I promise you, despite some news agencies' headlines, you will be just fine.

Down Detector, a website that determines when other websites and apps are down, confirmed the outage with a map indicating that the issues are centered in Europe, the coastal US, and a few spots in South and Central America.

Facebook representatives have yet to respond to SFist's request for comment, nor have they responded to CNet's.

As I just noted, the outage seems to be hitting Europe the hardest, which is perhaps why their headlines are the most end-of-days. Here's a sampling:


Screengrab: Daily Star

Screengrab: Sun

Sure, I'm kind of jealous that I didn't get "what the Zuck" before the Sun did. But here's the thing, you guys: we were fine before Facebook and Instagram existed, and we'll be fine until they fix whatever is going wrong. We will survive this. In fact, our lives might improve. Maybe this is the moment we'll all realize that we don't need that crap and walk away forever. Wouldn't that be something?

Update: All systems are go once again on the social media platforms as of just before noon on the west coast, and just before 3 p.m. ET.

Related: Google And Facebook Under Fire For Spreading Hoaxes During Las Vegas Attack

Screengrab: Mirror