Warriors star and maybe 2017 NBA MVP Steph Curry had a date night in San Francisco Thursday with wife and budding restaurateur Ayesha Curry, with the couple taking in Hamilton before heading to the Black Cat in the Tenderloin to listen to some music and grab a bite and some drinks. Showboating Steph got big cheers and chants of "MVP" when he was spotted in the audience before the play, as Ayesha humble-bragged in the video post below, and then at the Black Cat he hopped up on stage with the jazz band to accompany them on tambourine.

As James Cordon recently showed us, there's not a lot Steph can't do.

Via the manager at the Black Cat, Khalid Mushasha, we learn that the Currys "enjoyed oysters, meatballs, kale salad and the saffron chicken."

On Monday, the Warriors swept the Utah Jazz in four games and are now heading to the Western Conference Finals ย— and, fairly likely, another NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers. Here's Draymond Green celebrating in his own way.