When your #Hamilton alarm doesn't go off and you log on 6 min late...only a mere 99,405 people ahead of me 😭 #hamiltonSF pic.twitter.com/Cyh7WugSYM
— Kelsey (@Kelsey_001) December 12, 2016
Bay Area theater fans have their pantaloons in a bunch this morning as Hamilton tickets went on sale to the general public at 10 a.m. PT. As of press time for this article, the online Hamilton ticket sales platform has not crashed. But SFist can confirm (as saps who are in the queue, clutching our credit card nervously) that there are more than 100,000 interested ticket buyers waiting online. Some reports from social media said the queue hit more than 100,000 within a minute of sales beginning though one SFist staffer can confirm they got within 44,000th from the front within minutes, and another was at 103,000th as of 10:10 a.m. As of 12:40, that latter person still had 92,000 souls in line ahead of them, with little hope in sight. Another of us got in at 85,855th, and we're not giving up!!
Over 100k people were waiting in line for #HamiltonSF tickets within the first MINUTE of them going on sale. I'm currently 13,776th in line😵
— Caroline Ledna (@cara_january) December 12, 2016
The queue is slowly getting smaller, but only moving at a rate of about 6,000-7,000 online buyers per hour. Each buyer is allowed to purchase up to six tickets, and by our estimates, there were somewhere between 250,000 and 300,000 tickets to sell today, following pre-sales and subscriber sales.
Meanwhile, at the actual box office on mid-Market, tensions have been running high as ne'er-do-wells have tried infiltrating a line that hundreds of people have been in for many hours, some as early as noon on Sunday. According to a police sources, "entitled people" perhaps unfamiliar with how passionate their fellow theater fans can be, have made the atmosphere more fraught than one might expect a theatrical queue to be, and rumor has it the police have been called to settle disputes more than once Monday morning.
Between seven open browsers we have numbers between 21k and 74k... Should be interesting! #HamiltonSF @HamiltonMusical @Lin_Manuel
— Janelle The Kay (@janelleruns) December 12, 2016
Tickets in this official sale cost between $100.00 to $197.00, or $524.00 for what are described as "premium seats," which are simply center orchestra in the first few rows.
What's the price for tickets if you're willing to be publicly berated after the show? #HamiltonSF
— Peculiar Baptist (@PeculiarBaptist) December 6, 2016
Meanwhile on StubHub, these same tickets are already going for as much as $5,000 a pop.
When you're on a conference call for work but can't pay attention to anything b/c you're on two separate devices trying for #hamiltonSF tix
— Jenn Ahn (@assuesco) December 12, 2016
SFist will keep you posted on the status of today’s online ticket sale. Hamilton runs March 14 to August 5, 2017 at the Orpheum Theatre, and "best availability" according to the queue system at noon was after May 23.
It remains to be seen what kind of rush ticket system SHN may end up using for this extremely popular show, which will lead to the kinds of lines and lottery madness that has gathered around the Broadway production's theater every day since fall 2015, when the buzz around the show reached its fever pitch.
Update 1:22 p.m. - Welp, looks like the line is now more than 130,000 buyers.
Ugh #hamiltonSF pic.twitter.com/2sLpIV8ERV
— Matt 🇬🇺🇮🇹🇵🇭 (@mattybobaaanga) December 12, 2016
On a more encouraging note, buyers who reserved a spot in the queue at 10 a.m. are now moving up the queue much more quickly. In the last hour, this SFist staffer moved up by more 12,000 slots.
In the amount of time I’ve been in queue for #hamiltonSF tickets, I could’ve read ALL of the Federalist Papers.
— David Hackett (@dahackett_ux) December 12, 2016
We do have some updates from SHN on the dates with the best availability, should you actually manage to soldier through this line of more than a hundred thousand buyers.
⭐️ @HamiltonMusical Update: Best availability March 10-21 and May 23-August 5. #Hamilton #Hamiltour
— SHN: Broadway in SF (@shnsf) December 12, 2016
But with each buyer in the queue allowed to purchase as many as six tickets, it would appear likely that Hamilton San Francisco tickets will sell out this afternoon. We’ll continue to keep you posted.
All of us trying to get #hamiltonSF tickets right now. #Hamilton pic.twitter.com/K6PZM6RyfQ
— DubNationPhil (@GSWPhil) December 12, 2016
Update : 2:30 p.m. - The queue just keeps getting bigger and bigger, now with close to 150,000 buyers logged in. By our running count, the system appears to be processing between 10,000 and 15,000 orders per hour, so don’t give up hope if there are still tens of thousands of buyers ahead of you. SHN's latest update says that "Saturday evenings are filling up. Plenty of inventory available for all other performances May 23 - August 5".
#hamiltonSF pic.twitter.com/tySfQh8wiI
— Husain Sumra (@hsumra) December 12, 2016
Update: 3:30 p.m. - There are now more than 150,000 Hamilton wanna-sees waiting in the online queue. The latest update from SHN, issued shortly after 3 p.m., advises that “Best availability Tuesday and Wednesday performances June 27-July 26”.
Update: 4:50 p.m. - Wait, people are still joining the online queue? Apparently so, as the digital line is now 160,000 deep. But hope continues to flicker, as the show is still not sold out. At about 4:40 p.m., SHN advised “Best avail[able] Prime Orch & Prime Loge - 3/14 & 3/15 and April 27-August 5 perfs.”
see you never @HamiltonMusical #hamiltonSF pic.twitter.com/2jYmbQ95AE
— Liz (@DanceYrslfCleen) December 13, 2016
Update: 5:39 p.m. - Hamilton tickets are still on sale, but it looks like you can no longer buy seats next to each other unless you’re willing to pay the “premium” $524 price for each seat. That still compares favorably to StubHub, where tickets are priced from $578 to $2,850 for Hamilton tickets with the occasional seat under $500 if you’re really willing to search and be flexible on dates.
Otherwise all other @HamiltonMusical seats will most likely not be together (singles) in Orch, Loge, Mezz ($197), Balcony ($100) #HamiltonSF
— SHN: Broadway in SF (@shnsf) December 13, 2016
Note: SHN SF is an SFist advertiser, but this was not a sponsored post or directed in any way by the advertiser.
Related: Meet The People Who Camped Out Overnight For Hamilton Tickets